Flock off is the newest revolution in bird control technology. Using harmless electromagnetic fields, the bird's navigation receptors are disrupted making landing and navigating to the installed area unsuccessful. The electromagnetic field has zero effect on humans, medical devices, air-space flight, or any other navigation system. The navigation proteins and crystals are completely interrupted when the bird attempts to fly or land within a few feet of the system. There is no disruption outside the immediate area of interest, as we want to birds to be able to navigate safely, just to a different landing area!
Ecoskan's Authorized Flock Off Installation offers certified and authorized installers to handle all your bird control needs, with our proven track record of success. Our installations use non-leathal bird control methods, ensuring the safety of birds, people and property.
Flock Off operates at 120 HERTZ, in the audio frequency (AF) spectrum. This frequency is converted into an electromagnetic pulse and is not audible or harmful in any way and will not cause interference with electrical, electronic, communications or other systems.
Flock Off disrupts a key protein in their bodies used to navigate. The field affects mineral crystals present their beaks and wave receptors in their ears, eyes, and brain. This momentarily interupts their ability to judge speed, direction, and distance. Forcing them to other areas - SAFELY!
Ecoskan is trained, certified, and authorized to install Flock Off. Our process:
Site inspection
Identify pest birds, flight and landing patterns, asses migration times and patterns as needed.​
Site measure​
Measure linear footage to determine if multiple systems are required.​
Site evaluation​
Asses where system/s will be installed, identify challenges or concerns, locate power sources.
Site communications​
Ensure that Ecoskan and our client are all ​focused in the same direction - toward EVICTION
With over 30 years of industry experience, Sam & Heather have overseen pest bird exclusion projects for waste management facilities, transit authorities, casinos, city municipalities, hospitals, and many other types of facilities. Solve your bird problems today. Contact Ecoskan to review your specific circumstances.