Utilizing our consultative approach with commercial and industrial businesses, Ecoskan works directly with your team and vendors to develop a more comprehensive and satisfactory pest management program. The inspection process will include all aspects of facilities maintenance that contribute to a pest-free environment. We can assist your team in understanding the importance of pest control in regards to the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Program, the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) and third-party auditing agencies. If your current provider cannot meet your expectations, then we will provide options to train the existing vendor or help you find a new vendor.
Setting and implementation of customized Integrated Pest Management plans
Solving existing pest problems and providing sustainable solutions
Providing training on effective pest control methods to Pest Control Operators, Quality Managers/Food Safety Inspectors and Public Health Workers
Provide pest management consultancy in construction and urban planning (pest-proofing)
Advise government bodies on eco-friendly pest control regulations and control measures
Assist in preparing public health awareness campaigns
Advice on current research in the field of pest control
Technical and business consulting for pest-control companies